
留学在线   2023-08-21 17:04:30

1. 纽约大学
2. 辛辛那提大学
3. 俄克拉荷马城市学院
4. 波士顿音乐学院
5. 密歇根大学安娜堡分校
1. 萨里大学
2. 伦敦大学金史密斯学院
3. 皇家苏格兰音乐戏剧学院
4. 皇家威尔士音乐戏剧学院
5. 皇家音乐学院RAM
6. 伯明翰音乐学院
7. 约克大学
Students should prepare two contrasting pieces. We would like you to prepare Option A from the Common Pre-Screen process:
One song should be a ballad and one song should be an uptempo
One song should be written prior to 1970. This song can be either the uptempo or the ballad (student’s choice).
One song should be written after 1970 and contrast the style of the first (can include jukebox musicals)
Each song file should be 60-90 seconds (this time limit includes the slate at the beginning of the piece and is strictly adhered to; please do not upload media files longer than 90 seconds)
Students must sing to live or recorded accompaniment; no a cappella singing
Songs should be filmed in a 3/4 shot, which means the top of the head to the knees should be visible in the frame
We would like you to prepare Option A from the Common Pre-Screen process:
One 60-90 second contemporary monologue (written during the 20th Century-present) from a published play. This time limit includes the slate at the beginning of the piece and is strictly adhered to; please do not upload media files longer than 90 seconds.
The contemporary monologue should be filmed in a “close-up” shot which means the top of the head to the chest should be visible in the frame
Monologues cannot be from musicals, television shows, or movies
Each monologue file should be 60-90 seconds in length (this time limit includes the slate at the beginning of the piece; please do not upload media files longer than 90 seconds)
You are invited to submit an additional video that reveals more information about your unique interests, skills, and personality. Students with dance training or experience (ballet, jazz, tap, hip-hop, Salsa, South Asian, folk, swing, etc.) are especially encouraged to do so. “Wild card” examples may include playing an instrument, performing a self-written song or monologue, rap, acrobatics, stand up comedy, spoken word, magic, drag, impersonations, etc.


