
菲利普斯安多佛学院(Phillips Academy Andover):这是一所位于马萨诸塞州安多佛的私立寄宿高中,成立于1778年,是美国历史最悠久的高中之一。该校以其优秀的教学质量和严格的录取标准而闻名,每年只录取约13%的申请者。该校有多名美国总统、政治家、作家、科学家等名人校友,如乔治·布什、约翰·肯尼迪、奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯等。该校提供多样化的课程和活动,包括AP课程、国际文凭课程、音乐、艺术、体育等,培养学生的全面发展。该校的学费和住宿费为62,000美元/年。Phillips Academy Andover: This is a private boarding high school located in Andover, Massachusetts, founded in 1778, and is one of the oldest high schools in American history. The school is known for its excellent teaching quality and strict admission standards, admitting only about 13% of applicants each year. The school has many famous alumni, such as American presidents, politicians, writers, scientists, etc., such as George Bush, John Kennedy, Oliver Wendell Holmes, etc. The school offers a variety of courses and activities, including AP courses, International Baccalaureate courses, music, art, sports, etc., to cultivate students’ comprehensive development. The school’s tuition and accommodation fees are $62,000/year.菲利普斯埃克塞特学院(Phillips Exeter Academy):这是一所位于新罕布什尔州埃克塞特的私立寄宿高中,成立于1781年,是美国最负盛名的高中之一。该校以其独特的“赫克讨论法”(Harkness Method)教学法而著称,即让学生围坐在一个椭圆形桌子旁,进行小组讨论和互动。该校也有众多知名的校友,如丹尼尔·韦伯斯特、马克·扎克伯格、戈尔·维达尔等。该校提供丰富的课程和活动,包括AP课程、国际文凭课程、语言交换项目、夏季项目等,鼓励学生探索自己的兴趣和潜能。该校的学费和住宿费为63,900美元/年。Phillips Exeter Academy: This is a private boarding high school located in Exeter, New Hampshire, founded in 1781, and is one of the most prestigious high schools in the United States. The school is famous for its unique “Harkness Method” teaching method, which allows students to sit around an oval table and have group discussions and interactions. The school also has many well-known alumni, such as Daniel Webster, Mark Zuckerberg, Gore Vidal, etc. The school offers a wealth of courses and activities, including AP courses, International Baccalaureate courses, language exchange programs, summer programs, etc., to encourage students to explore their interests and potential. The school’s tuition and accommodation fees are $63,900/year.劳伦斯维尔学校(The Lawrenceville School):这是一所位于新泽西州劳伦斯维尔的私立寄宿高中,成立于1810年,是美国最古老的高中之一。该校以其优良的学术传统和强大的校友网络而闻名,拥有多名政治家、商人、作家、演员等著名校友,如迈克尔·爱斯纳、马尔科姆·福布斯、乔治·H·W·布什等。该校提供高质量的课程和活动,包括AP课程、国际文凭课程、科学研究项目、艺术节目等,培养学生的批判性思维和领导力。该校的学费和住宿费为65,960美元/年。The Lawrenceville School: This is a private boarding high school located in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, founded in 1810, and is one of the oldest high schools in the United States. The school is known for its excellent academic tradition and strong alumni network, with many famous alumni, such as politicians, businessmen, writers, actors, etc., such as Michael Eisner, Malcolm Forbes, George H.W. Bush, etc. The school offers high-quality courses and activities, including AP courses, International Baccalaureate courses, science research projects, art programs, etc., to cultivate students’ critical thinking and leadership skills. The school’s tuition and accommodation fees are $65,960/year.迪尔菲尔德学院(Deerfield Academy):这是一所位于马萨诸塞州迪尔菲尔德的私立寄宿高中,成立于1797年,是美国最具声望的高中之一。该校以其严格的纪律和卓越的教育而闻名,每年只录取约12%的申请者。该校有多名杰出的校友,如大卫·洛克菲勒、约翰·麦克恩、金正恩等。该校提供高水平的课程和活动,包括AP课程、国际文凭课程、荣誉课程、体育竞技等,培养学生的品格和能力。该校的学费和住宿费为66,210美元/年。Deerfield Academy: This is a private boarding high school located in Deerfield, Massachusetts, founded in 1797, and is one of the most prestigious high schools in the United States. The school is known for its strict discipline and excellent education, admitting only about 12% of applicants each year. The school has many outstanding alumni, such as David Rockefeller, John McCain, Kim Jong-un, etc. The school offers high-level courses and activities, including AP courses, International Baccalaureate courses, honors courses, athletic competitions, etc., to cultivate students’ character and ability. The school’s tuition and accommodation fees are $66,210/year.乔特罗斯玛丽学院(Choate Rosemary Hall):这是一所位于康涅狄格州沃灵福德的私立寄宿高中,成立于1890年,是美国最著名的高中之一。该校是由两所单性别高中合并而成的,即男校乔特学院和女校罗斯玛丽学院,1971年开始实行男女合校。该校以其独特的“赫克讨论法”(Harkness Method)教学法而著称,即让学生围坐在一个椭圆形桌子旁,进行小组讨论和互动。该校也有众多知名的校友,如约翰·F·肯尼迪、杰克琳·肯尼迪、阿多尼斯·史蒂文森等。该校提供广泛的课程和活动,包括AP课程、国际文凭课程、海外项目、科学研究项目、艺术节目等,鼓励学生探索自己的兴趣和潜能。该校的学费和住宿费为64,500美元/年。Choate Rosemary Hall: This is a private boarding high school located in Wallingford, Connecticut, founded in 1890, and is one of the most famous high schools in the United States. The school was formed by the merger of two single-sex high schools, namely Choate School for boys and Rosemary Hall for girls, and began co-education in 1971. The school is famous for its unique “Harkness Method” teaching method, which allows students to sit around an oval table and have group discussions and interactions. The school also has many well-known alumni, such as John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy, Adonis Stevenson, etc. The school offers a wide range of courses and activities, including AP courses, International Baccalaureate courses, overseas programs, science research projects, art programs, etc., to encourage students to explore their interests and potential. The school’s tuition and accommodation fees are $64,500/year.圣保罗学院(St. Paul’s School):这是一所位于新罕布什尔州康科德的私立寄宿高中,成立于1856年,是美国最顶尖的高中之一。该校以其严格的教育和优良的传统而闻名,每年只录取约15%的申请者。该校有多名杰出的校友,如约翰·凯利、威廉·福克纳、约翰·克里等。该校提供高水平的课程和活动,包括AP课程、国际文凭课程、荣誉课程、体育竞技等,培养学生的品德和智慧。该校的学费和住宿费为66,000美元/年。St. Paul’s School: This is a private boarding high school located in Concord, New Hampshire, founded in 1856, and is one of the top high schools in the United States. The school is known for its rigorous education and excellent tradition, admitting only about 15% of applicants each year. The school has many outstanding alumni, such as John Kelly, William Faulkner, John Kerry, etc. The school offers high-level courses and activities, including AP courses, International Baccalaureate courses, honors courses, athletic competitions, etc., to cultivate students’ character and wisdom. The school’s tuition and accommodation fees are $66,000/year.米尔顿学院(Milton Academy):这是一所位于马萨诸塞州米尔顿的私立走读和寄宿高中,成立于1798年,是美国最古老的高中之一。该校以其灵活的课程安排和重视学生个性发展的教育理念而闻名,每年只录取约16%的申请者。该校有多名知名的校友,如罗伯特·肯尼迪、特德·肯尼迪、詹姆斯·泰勒等。该校提供高质量的课程和活动,包括AP课程、国际文凭课程、荣誉课程、研究项目等,培养学生的创造力和批判性思维。该校的学费和住宿费为64,000美元/年。Milton Academy: This is a private day and boarding high school located in Milton, Massachusetts, founded in 1798, and is one of the oldest high schools in the United States. The school is known for its flexible curriculum and its educational philosophy that emphasizes student individual development, admitting only about 16% of applicants each year. The school has many well-known alumni, such as Robert Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, James Taylor, etc. The school offers high-quality courses and activities, including AP courses, International Baccalaureate courses, honors courses, research projects, etc., to cultivate students’ creativity and critical thinking. The school’s tuition and accommodation fees are $64,000/year.布鲁克斯学院(Brooks School):这是一所位于马萨诸塞州北安多佛的私立寄宿高中,成立于1926年,是美国最优秀的高中之一。该校以其小班制和个性化的教学而闻名,每年只录取约18%的申请者。该校有多名优秀的校友,如乔治·H·W·布什、彼得·塞勒斯、比尔·贝尔切克等。该校提供多元化的课程和活动,包括AP课程、国际文凭课程、实习项目、社区服务等,培养学生的自主性和社会责任感。该校的学费和住宿费为66,000美元/年。Brooks School: This is a private boarding high school located in North Andover, Massachusetts, founded in 1926, and is one of the best high schools in the United States. The school is known for its small class size and personalized teaching, admitting only about 18% of applicants each year. The school has many outstanding alumni, such as George H.W. Bush, Peter Sellers, Bill Belichick, etc. The school offers a variety of courses and activities, including AP courses, International Baccalaureate courses, internship programs, community service, etc., to cultivate students’ autonomy and social responsibility. The school’s tuition and accommodation fees are $66,000/year.霍奇基斯学校(The Hotchkiss School):这是一所位于康涅狄格州莱克维尔的私立寄宿高中,成立于1891年,是美国最优秀的高中之一。该校以其严谨的学术水平和广阔的国际视野而闻名,每年只录取约16%的申请者。该校有多名知名的校友,如亨利·卢斯、乔治·布什、莫·扬等。该校提供高水平的课程和活动,包括AP课程、国际文凭课程、荣誉课程、语言交换项目等,培养学生的批判性思维和全球意识。该校的学费和住宿费为64,200美元/年。The Hotchkiss School: This is a private boarding high school located in Lakeville, Connecticut, founded in 1891, and is one of the best high schools in the United States. The school is known for its rigorous academic standards and broad international perspective, admitting only about 16% of applicants each year. The school has many well-known alumni, such as Henry Luce, George Bush, Mo Yan, etc. The school offers high-level courses and activities, including AP courses, International Baccalaureate courses, honors courses, language exchange programs, etc., to cultivate students’ critical thinking and global awareness. The school’s tuition and accommodation fees are $64,200/year.格罗顿学校(Groton School):这是一所位于马萨诸塞州格罗顿的私立寄宿高中,成立于1884年,是美国最具影响力的高中之一。该校以其卓越的教育和强烈的社区精神而闻名,每年只录取约12%的申请者。该校有多名著名的校友,如富兰克林·罗斯福、萨姆·沃特森、约翰·F·肯尼迪等。该校提供高质量的课程和活动,包括AP课程、国际文凭课程、荣誉课程、艺术节目等,培养学生的品德和智慧。该校的学费和住宿费为66,650美元/年。Groton School: This is a private boarding high school located in Groton, Massachusetts, founded in 1884, and is one of the most influential high schools in the United States. The school is known for its excellent education and strong community spirit, admitting only about 12% of applicants each year. The school has many famous alumni, such as Franklin Roosevelt, Sam Walton, John F. Kennedy, etc. The school offers high-quality courses and activities, including AP courses, International Baccalaureate courses, honors courses, art programs, etc., to cultivate students’ character and wisdom. The school’s tuition and accommodation fees are $66,650/year.中央公园东高中(Central Park East High School):这是一所位于纽约市曼哈顿的公立走读高中,成立于1985年,是美国最具创新性的高中之一。该校以其小班制和个性化的教学而闻名,每年只录取约10%的申请者。该校有多名优秀的校友,如阿尔·夏普顿、杰西卡·阿尔巴、杰米·福克斯等。该校提供多元化的课程和活动,包括AP课程、国际文凭课程、实习项目、社区服务等,培养学生的自主性和社会责任感。该校的学费为免费,但需要支付一些杂费。Central Park East High School: This is a public day high school located in Manhattan, New York City, founded in 1985, and is one of the most innovative high schools in the United States. The school is known for its small class size and personalized teaching, admitting only about 10% of applicants each year. The school has many outstanding alumni, such as Al Sharpton, Jessica Alba, Jamie Foxx, etc. The school offers a variety of courses and activities, including AP courses, International Baccalaureate courses, internship programs, community service, etc., to cultivate students’ autonomy and social responsibility. The school’s tuition is free, but some fees are required.达尔顿学校(The Dalton School):这是一所位于纽约市曼哈顿的私立走读高中,成立于1919年,是美国最先进的高中之一。该校以其灵活的课程安排和重视学生个性发展的教育理念而闻名,每年只录取约8%的申请者。该校有多名知名的校友,如安德森·库珀、切比·切斯、克里斯蒂安·贝尔等。该校提供高水平的课程和活动,包括AP课程、国际文凭课程、荣誉课程、研究项目等,培养学生的创造力和批判性思维。该校的学费为54,180美元/年。The Dalton School: This is a private day high school located in Manhattan, New York City, founded in 1919, and is one of the most advanced high schools in the United States. The school is known for its flexible curriculum and its educational philosophy that emphasizes student individual development, admitting only about 8% of applicants each year. The school has many well-known alumni, such as Anderson Cooper, Chevy Chase, Christian Bale, etc. The school offers high-level courses and activities, including AP courses, International Baccalaureate courses, honors courses, research projects, etc., to cultivate students’ creativity and critical thinking. The school’s tuition is $54,180/year.布莱尔学院(Blair Academy):这是一所位于新泽西州布莱尔斯敦的私立寄宿高中,成立于1848年,是美国最具特色的高中之一。该校以其强大的体育项目和优良的艺术教育而闻名,每年只录取约19%的申请者。该校有多名杰出的校友,如罗伯特·J·沃尔特、路易斯·布莱尔·梅特卡夫、罗伊·迪斯尼等。该校提供高质量的课程和活动,包括AP课程、国际文凭课程、荣誉课程、体育竞技等,培养学生的身心健康和领导力。该校的学费和住宿费为66,500美元/年。Blair Academy: This is a private boarding high school located in Blairstown, New Jersey, founded in 1848, and is one of the most distinctive high schools in the United States. The school is known for its strong athletic programs and excellent art education, admitting only about 19% of applicants each year. The school has many outstanding alumni, such as Robert J. Walter, Louis Blair Metcalf, Roy Disney, etc. The school offers high-quality courses and activities, including AP courses, International Baccalaureate courses, honors courses, athletic competitions, etc., to cultivate students’ physical and mental health and leadership skills. The school’s tuition and accommodation fees are $66,500/year