
留学在线   2023-11-09 16:50:08

原创 李兆申,柏愚

近日,国际肿瘤学顶级期刊Journal of Hematology & Oncology发表了长海医院李兆申院士团队的全国多中心临床研究成果——“基于免疫法粪便潜血试验(FIT)的风险分层模型可有效筛查中国人群中的结直肠肿瘤和早期结直肠癌”(IF=23.168)。长海医院消化内科赵胜兵、王树玲、潘鹏、夏天为该项研究共同第一作者,柏愚教授和李兆申院士为共同通讯作者。








No fully validated risk-stratification strategies have been established in China where colonoscopies resources are limited. We aimed to develop and validate a fecal immunochemical test (FIT)-based risk-stratification model for colorectal neoplasia (CN); 10,164 individuals were recruited from 175 centers nationwide and were randomly allocated to the derivation (n=6776) or validation cohort (n=3388). Multivariate logistic analyses were performed to develop the National Colorectal Polyp Care (NCPC) score, which formed the risk-stratification model along with FIT. The NCPC score was developed from eight independent predicting factors and divided into three levels: low risk (LR 0-14), intermediate risk (IR 15-17), and high risk (HR 18-28). Individuals with IR or HR of NCPC score or FIT+ were classified as increased-risk individuals in the risk-stratification model and were recommended for colonoscopy. The IR/HR of NCPC score showed a higher prevalence of CNs (21.8%/32.8% vs. 11.0%, P<0.001) and ACNs (4.3%/9.2% vs. 2.0%, P<0.001) than LR, which was also confirmed in the validation cohort. Similar relative risks and predictive performances were demonstrated between non-specific gastrointestinal symptoms (NSGS) and asymptomatic cohort. The risk-stratification model identified 73.5% CN, 82.6% ACN, and 93.6% CRC when guiding 52.7% individuals to receive colonoscopy and identified 55.8% early-onset ACNs and 72.7% early-onset CRCs with only 25.6% young individuals receiving colonoscopy. The risk-stratification model showed a good risk-stratification ability for CN and early-onset CRCs in Chinese population, including individuals with NSGS and young age.


