
留学在线   2024-09-18 18:01:33

The National University of Singapore (NUS) Master of Music Leadership (MMusL), is offered by the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music (YST).新加坡国立大学(NUS)音乐领导力硕士(MMusL)由杨秀桃音乐学院(YST)提供。

The MMusL is a graduate degree programme designed to support musicians who want to advance their skills and be leaders of change within the rapidly evolving musical landscape in Singapore and around the world.MMusL是一个研究生学位课程,旨在支持那些希望在新加坡和世界各地快速发展的音乐环境中提高技能并成为变革领导者的音乐家。

The programme adopts a multidimensional approach to increase students’ understanding of the musical ecosystem, diversify their skillsets, and promote critical thinking. Flexibility is also integrated into the curriculum, in order to help each student to develop along their unique artistic trajectory.该课程采用多维方法,以增加学生对音乐生态系统的理解,使他们的技能多样化,并促进批判性思维。灵活性也被整合到课程中,以帮助每个学生沿着他们独特的艺术轨迹发展。

The MMusL curriculum places an emphasis on entrepreneurship and innovation, aimed at equipping graduates to keep pace with the changes wrought by rapid technological development, digitalisation of the music profession, and societal need for cross-domain competencies and collaboration. Graduates will emerge with an increased versatility that will allow them to adapt more quickly and effectively in their current and future career paths.MMusL课程强调创业和创新,旨在使毕业生能够跟上快速技术发展、音乐专业数字化以及社会对跨领域能力和协作的需求所带来的变化。毕业生将具有更高的多功能性,这将使他们能够更快、更有效地适应当前和未来的职业道路。

Why This Programme? 为什么选择这个项目?

Cultivate leadership and music entrepreneurial skills within a learning environment that keeps abreast of and contributes to the evolution of the musical landscape.在学习环境中培养领导力和音乐创业技能,与音乐景观的发展保持同步并做出贡献。Attain excellence in individual practice to enhance artistic vision and credibility with the support of a well-established yet constantly innovating institution.在成熟而又不断创新的机构的支持下,在个人实践中取得卓越成就,以提高艺术视野和可信度。Be empowered as a future leader of the music industry, with critical thinking skills within and across disciplines, diversified knowledge and skillsets, and access to various world-class faculties within NUS.成为音乐行业的未来领导者,拥有跨学科的批判性思维能力、多样化的知识和技能,并有机会进入新加坡国立大学的各种世界级院系。


Application Period 申请期间An Academic Year (AY) at NUS consists of two semesters and a special term (which occurs during the Semester 2 Vacation, and is divided into two parts of six weeks duration each):新加坡国立大学的一个学年(AY)由两个学期和一个特殊学期组成(在第二学期假期期间发生,分为两部分,每部分为期六周):

Semester 1: Aug–Dec 第一学期:8月至12月Semester 2: Jan–May 第二学期:1月至5月Special Term (Part 1): May–Jun特别学期(第一部分):5月至6月Special Term (Part 2): Jun–Jul特别学期(第二部分):6月至7月


