
留学在线   2020-12-31 15:30:12


1、艺术中心设计学院 Art Center College of Design

专业:BA Product Design

学制:4 年

费用: 41408 美元/年

语言:雅思总分 6.5 分, TOEFL (iBT) 80 SAT:是


申请时间: 2月15日


Submit sketches and finished drawings of three or more original product designs (furniture, lighting, medical and computer equipment, or consumer products such as coffee makers, sporting goods, communications devices or personal stereos). Each project should be grouped as a separate PDF.

提交 3 个或者更多的原创作品手绘稿,可以是家具、照明、医疗、电脑或者消费产品如咖啡机、体育用品、 通讯设备和音响等。每一个作品都需要单独作为一个 pdf 文件。

Emphasis should be on the function of the product, as well as the aesthetics and originality of the design. Projects should show a thorough researching and exploration of a product from beginning through intermediate sketches to a final finished rendering of the product.

设计重点除了需要放在产品的外形和创意上,更重要的是产品的功能。项目要能够体现从无到有,从最初 到最终的发展过程。

Inclusion of photos of 3D models is optional. Of primary importance are exploratory sketches that show a variety of solutions and ideas for each product presented. Sketchbook pages should be scanned and grouped in a single PDF.

3D 图片可以包含在作品集中但并不是必需的,最重要的是草图的探索过程。需要扫描手绘本并作为一个单 独的 PDF 文件提交。

2、罗德岛设计学院Rhode Island School of Design

BFA Industrial Design

学制:4 年

费用:48210 美元/年

语言:雅思总分不低于 6.5 分,托福不低于 93 分 SAT:是,无具体分数要求


申请时间:11 月 01 日(早申请截止),2 月 1 日(正常申请截止)


Your portfolio should show a selection of 12–20 examples of your best recent artwork. We suggest that the work reflect the full range of your ideas, interests, experience and abilities in the arts to date. Work presented can be in any medium (including film or video), in finished or sketch form, and the result of an assigned project or a self-directed exploration. We strongly recommend that you include a few pages from your journal or sketchbook to indicate your process of research, thinking and investigation.

选择 12-20 个最好的项目,作品要能体现你的创意、兴趣、经验和能力,作品的题材类型没有限定。建议 从你的手绘本上直接筛选一些作品,能够体现你设计的过程。

Please don’t submit a multi-page PDF with individual and unrelated works on each page since this is likely to exceed the limit of 20 examples we’ve requested. The only exception to this is a portfolio piece like a graphic novel where multiple pages are part of a single, cohesive work.

重质不重量,不要为了凑 20 个作品而去挑选一些无关的项目作品。

Portfolios must be submitted through SlideRoom, an online portfolio service (which requires an additional $10 fee).


Choose one of the following three prompt options and create two responses using any medium you prefer (no restrictions).

3 个命题选择 1 个,创作两个相关的作品。

We consider this assignment to be as much about process as presentation and encourage you to consider your submissions as exercises in experimental thinking and risk-taking more than as final presentations or examples of technical proficiency. No particular outcome is valued more than another, so feel free to explore the full range of possible expression in these works.


Each of these prompts has more than one meaning or usage and you might want to begin by referring to dictionary sources to expand your initial reaction about a direction.




3、卡内基梅隆大学Carnegie Mellon University

学制:4 年

费用:52732 美元/年

语言:雅思总分不低于 7.5 分,托福不低于 102 分 SAT:是,无具体分数要求




Your portfolio should be an organized presentation of 15-20 original projects, including work such as: Drawings/2-D and 3-D design/Color work/Paintings/3D work/Digital work/Inventions/Supplemental work/A sketchbook, which counts as one item, is strongly recommended We also strongly recommend that you include a variety of drawings. Whether they come from life or from your imagination, they should represent original, creative work.

作品集需要需要包含 15-20 个项目,类型可以是手绘、2D、3D 设计目,色彩练习、绘画等等。建议可以加入一些绘画作品。

4、加州艺术学院California College of the Arts

学制:4 年

费用:46776 美元/年

语言:雅思总分不低于 6.5 分,托福不低于 80 分 SAT:否


申请时间:2 月 1 日


Submit your portfolio through Slideroom. First-year applicants are encouraged to submit 10-15 images, while transfer and second-degree portfolios may exceed 15 pieces.

作品集通过 Slideroom 在线提交,作品集包含 10-15 页图。

5、普瑞特艺术学院 Pratt Institute

学制:4 年

费用:47986 美元/年

语言:雅思总分不低于 6.5 分,托福不低于 79 分





The visual portfolio should consist of 12-20 pieces of your best work. It should consist of a variety of media and approaches. It can include assignment-based projects, self-directed work or pieces of a collaborative nature. The portfolio does not need to be major-specific and can include any type of work including paintings, drawings, sculpture, ceramics, etc. In addition, students must submit three to five observational drawings. Examples of observational work include landscape, still-life, self-portrait, figure drawings, and interior spaces. Please do not include work that copies photographs, uses the grid system or directly replicates any other artist's work (including replicating anime drawings, cartoons, or video game character designs). Download the “Portfolio Advice” PDF at the bottom of this page under downloads for more information.

作品集需要包含 12-20 个作品,作品类型没有任何限制,可以是绘画、雕塑、陶瓷等。另外学生需要提交 3-5 个观察类的手绘,但是不能使临摹复制或者使用其他艺术家的作品。



