
留学在线   2021-11-10 17:02:10

提到留学生论文作业,我们都知道这个作业的严重性,需要有摘要的,这个特殊性的摘要就是解释性摘要,就是对你的参考文献内容进行补充解释的“Interpretive Summary”解释性概括这种概括与上面那种概括所不同的是,你要为读者暗示有关您对文献的看法,对某些有利于你论点的内容进行突出,那么解释性摘要怎么写?



作者Dara Horn知道她需要描述这张照片,但只是“迅速集成”它的细节会让她的读者感到厌烦。因此,她摘要了照片的细节,对关键点进行了更重点描绘。而这一整段都是解释性摘要。

As skeptical moderns, we often have trouble accepting drawings or paintings as historical records, but we tend to believe in photographs the way that we believe in mirrors;


we simply accept them as the truth. Alexander Gardner's photograph Trossel's House, Battle-Field of Gettysburg, July, 1863 might therefore be viewed as evidence rather than commentary.

我们只是接受它们为真理。亚历山大·加德纳的照片 ,Trossel的房子,葛底斯堡的战场,1863年7月 因此可能被视为证据而不是评价。

Unlike some of Gardner's other "sketches," this picture includes no perfectly positioned rifles, no artistically angled river, no well-posed men in uniform—indeed, no people at all.

与加德纳的其他一些“草图”不同,这张图片中没有完美定位的步枪,没有艺术角度的河流,没有穿着制服的合适的男人 - 事实上,根本没有人。

The photograph's composition could barely be more prosaic; the horizon slashes the picture in half, and the subject, a white colonial-style house, sits smack in the center.


Yet this straightforward, almost innocent perspective sets the viewer up for the photograph's stealthy horror.


At first glance, the photograph appears to be a portrait of a house, perhaps even a poor portrait of a house; in a Òsketch bookÓ of war, one might flip right by it to the gory pictures before and after.

乍一看,这张照片看起来像是一幅房子的肖像,甚至可能是一幅房子的肖像; 如果这是在一本战争的书中,人们可能会在它之前和之后翻阅它们。

But the terror in this photograph lies in its delayed shock, the gut-wrenching surprise when the light on the house leads the eye to the light on the fence and the viewer notices that the backyard fence is broken, and then thatthe backyard is a mess, littered with—what are those?

但这张照片中的恐怖在于它的延迟震惊,当房子的灯光引导眼睛看到栅栏上的灯光,观察者注意到后院围栏被打破,然后后院乱七八糟,那些东西 - 那些是什么?

—horses, dead horses, twelve dead horses. What must have happened to topple twelve nine-hundred-pound horses, and where are the people who rode them? Crushed underneath? The viewer doesn't know, because Gardner's picture doesn't tell us. All we see is a house, a broken fence, twelve dead horses, and an empty sky.

- 马,死马,十二匹死马。必须发生什么事情才能推倒十二匹九百磅重的马匹,那些骑马的人在哪里?碾压在下面?观众不知道,因为加德纳的照片没有告诉我们。我们所看到的只是一座房子,一个破碎的栅栏,十二匹死马,一片空旷的天空。骑马的人在哪里?压在下面?观众不知道,因为加德纳的照片没有告诉我们。我们所看到的只是一座房子,一个破碎的栅栏,十二匹死马,一片空旷的天空。


应该始终有助于支撑你的论点,你仅是在描述他们The obvious cannot be argued却没有生成想法,明显的陈述就倾向于一种描述,论文的结构就变成了要么始终遵循参考文献的年代表,要么就是简单地列出的案例,所以谨慎的使用summary别让他们喧宾夺主。


