
留学在线   2021-12-14 09:06:37



宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania ),简称宾大(UPenn),位于宾夕法尼亚州的费城,是一所全球顶尖的私立研究型大学,著名的八所常春藤盟校之一,北美顶尖大学学术联盟美国大学协会(Association of American Universities)的十四所创始成员校之一。宾大由本杰明·富兰克林创建于1740年,是美国第四古老的高等教育机构,也是美国第一所从事科学技术和人文教育的现代高等学校。




Jan. 5



Every applicant to the Master of Architecture, Master of Science in Design (Advanced Architectural Design, Environmental Building Design, and Historic Preservation concentrations), Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of Science in Architecture, or PhD in Architecture program is required to submit a digital portfolio. Paper portfolios will NOT be accepted, and if submitted, will not be returned. The portfolio is a synopsis of one's creative work. As a visual essay, it tells a story of a person's interests, skills, and development over time. It should include projects that best express one's visual, spatial, and constructional abilities. These projects might include drawings, paintings, sculpture, or photography; graphic, industrial, or interior design; architectural, landscape, or urban design. The faculty who evaluate the portfolios look less for competence in architectural or landscape architectural design and more for a coherent demonstration of visual and spatial abilities expressed through a basic understanding of material and construction. Applicants to the MEBD and MSD should include at least five fully developed projects done solely by the person submitting the portfolio; other group work can be added.

数字组合应该格式化为一个PDF文件,不大于10 MB,不超过20页(最大页面大小10×12)或10页(最大10×24),如果你使用利差。封面或目录不计入总页数。我们建议您保持格式一致。例如,如果正在使用排列,请使用所有排列。如果你使用的是页面,不要混合在一起。一旦你的申请被提交,你将无法改变你的投资组合或上传一个新的。

The digital portfolio should be formatted as one PDF document no larger than 10 MB, with no more than 20 pages (maximum page size 10 x 12") or 10 pages (maximum 10 x 24") if you use spreads. Cover pages or table of contents do not count towards total pages. We suggest that you keep the format consistent. For instance, if you are using spreads, use all spreads. If you are using pages, don't mix in spreads. Once your application is submitted, you will not be able to make changes to your portfolio or upload a new one.


托福100, 雅思7.0



The correct institution code to use when requesting scores is 2926; you do not need a departmental code.. We suggest a minimum of 160 Verbal, 148 Quantitative, and 4.5 for Analytical Writing. Keep in mind that these are not cut-off scores.



