
留学在线   2022-01-28 16:24:07

6月中旬,威廉姆斯学院(Williams College),波莫纳学院(Pomona College),艾姆赫斯特学院 (Amherst College),斯沃斯莫尔学院(Swarthmore College),卡尔顿学院(Carleton College)以及鲍登学院6所位居US News文理学院排名前十的国际学生招生官们针对2024年的中国区学生招生和录取进行了以此线上的宣讲和答疑会。


1.Q: Do most liberal arts colleges have open curriculum?


A: Hi, no, only a handful of colleges and universities in the United States have an open curriculum. That said, generally, at liberal arts colleges, you have a lot of flexibility to explore different disciplines and you don't need to declare your major(s) until the end of your second year. So even though there may not be an open curriculum, liberal arts colleges in general offer you great flexibility in constructing your academic journey.


2. Q: Will Chinese F-1 students attending a school in US be evaluated by international AOs or AOs in their respective US regions?


A: All students will be evaluated within the holistic review process. Different schools might have different logistical procedures as to how they go through their applications. So it depends.


3. Q: Is research experience(e.g. work in a university lab and publish an essay) helpful during application?


A: It can be but is not expected. If you have a passion for a certain subject and have an opportunity to do research then go for. However, do not spend money and time to do that just to impress an admission office. We will not hold in against someone who doesn’t have that on their resume.

威廉姆斯学院招生官回答:科研经历会有一些帮助但是并不是一定的。 如果你对某个学科充满热情并且有机会做研究,那就去吧。 但是,不要仅仅为了给招生办公室留下深刻印象而花费金钱和时间去做科研。即使简历上没有科研经历也并不会影响你的录取。

4. Q: I am taking IB. How much of the score is required to apply? How about SAT?


A: We don’t have cutoffs for IB or SAT/ACT scores. Also all of us are test optional right now so we don’t require that test. We look at all of your pieces of the application to determine a decision. (Dean,Williams College)


5. Q: Which of the six colleges best prepare a STEM student who plans to work in industries after graduate?


A: Thanks for your question. All of our schools have strong STEM curricular offerings, and the majority of our students at least take classes in STEM or major in them. Liberal arts colleges are a great place to study STEM subjects and go on to work in whatever field you're interested in after you graduate. (Ryan Ricciardi)

感谢你的问题,所有的学校都给学生提供强大的STEM课程,我们的大多数在校生都上过STEM类的课程或者是STEM专业。文理学院是学习 STEM 科目并在毕业后继续在您感兴趣的任何领域工作的好地方。

6. Q: Bowdoin do u have neuroscience major and pre-med program?


A: We were one of the first schools to offer a neuroscience major, and medicine is one of the most popular fields to go into after you graduate. We don't have a pre-med major, but you can major in whatever you want and go on to med school. Look into our pre-health advising programs.

我们是最早开设神经科学专业的学校之一,医学院是你本科毕业之后可以选择的领域之一。 我们没有医学预科专业,但你可以主修任何你想要的专业,然后继续上医学院。可以参考看一下我们的健康预科项目。

7. Q:Who is NOT fit for an LAC experience?


A: Everyone can fit into the LAC experience. We are not all the same though, so do your homework/research and find out where you might fit in terms of location, majors, vibe, etc. (Dean Mendes-Williams College)


8. Q: How is a Liberal Studies degree different from a relatively more traditional major?


A: The liberal arts is a model of education, not a degree and many universities have liberal arts sections of their schools. We offer most of the same degrees as the universities in the U.S. The difference are smaller, mostly undergraduate and are interdisciplinary.

文理学院是一种教育模式,而不是学位。许多综合性大学都有文理学院。 文理学院提供大部分与美国综合性大学相同的学位。不同之处在于文理学院的规模较小,主要是本科和跨学科的学习。

9. Q: Hello! Do you offer STEM research opportunities on campus?


A: Yes, we all do. 50% of Williams students focus on STEM and we have brand new state of the art facilities for STEM. (Dean Mendes-Williams College )


10. Q: Hi! I'm Will. I am curious about your opinions on what's the greatest advantage of liberal arts education comparing to that of national universities.


A: Hi Will, small size allows our students to better connect with each in small classes and also acces to professors. Access to research opportunities. Access to support programs both academically and co-educational. You won’t have to compete with graduate students for services and research.


11. Q: What is the average size of a typical first-year class?


A: Liberal arts colleges typically have small class sizes, 15 would be the average at many liberal arts colleges.


12. Q:Many of your colleges are located in remote areas far from cities, so how is the social scene like given their very pastoral settings? And how about access to internship & job opportunities?


A:Thanks for your question. The social life is vibrant at all of the schools, including those that are in rural areas. We provide lots of funding for activities and our students are highly engaged. There are also many opportunities to be involved in our communities, especially since we get to know them very well. Our alumni networks are extremely strong. Williams has the oldest network in the U.S. There are many opportunities for internships, especially now that virtual opportunities are common. The career centers at all of the schools do a great job with job preparation and connection you with employers. LAC grads do very well in the workforce search.

威廉姆斯学院招生官回答:包括地理位置在郊区的所有文理学院的社交生活都充满活力。我们为学生的活动提供大量资金,学生的参与度也很高。因为文理学院的规模比较小,学生之间的了解程度会比较高,学生们都愿意参与到学校的社团活动。我们的校友网络非常强大,威廉姆斯拥有美国最古老的校友网络。实习机会很多,尤其是现在线上实习的机会很普遍。 所有学校的职业中心在工作准备和与雇主的联系方面做得很好。文理学院在帮助毕业生就业方面其实一直都是比较出色的。

13. Q: How are applicants’ profiles viewed when they are studying in countries different from their countries of citizenship? Are they viewed against other Chinese students or together with their high school mates?


A: Hi! All of us practice contextual review, so we don’t really view students “against” one another in the review process. We evaluate students within their academic context (the school they attend, what is offered here, how the student is doing at this school), and personal context (your background, studying in a different country, etc.).


14. Q: What are the differences between liberal arts college and the liberal arts college in some big comprehensive universities?





附2024US News文理学院排名


