
留学在线   2023-01-05 17:02:01

金斯顿大学在Thetimesgooduniversityguide2023 最新的艺术设计专业排名位列伦敦第一,除了插画专业,金斯顿大学还开设有哪些艺术专业呢?下面,跟留学在线一起来了解一下。

金斯顿大学Kingston University

金斯顿大学Kingston University


○Kingston School of Art

○Faculty of Business and Social Sciences

○Faculty of Health, Science, Social Care and Education

○Faculty of Engineering, Computing and the Environment

针对艺术专业的开设,集中在金斯顿艺术学院(Kingston School of Art)和工程、计算机与环境学院(Faculty of Engineering, Computing and the Environment)。


Kingston School of Art


金斯顿大学Kingston University



金斯顿大学Kingston University

Undergraduate courses 本科专业

○Architecture BA (Hons)建筑专业

○Creative and Cultural Industries: Art Direction BA (Hons)艺术指导

○Creative and Cultural Industries: Design Marketing BA (Hons)设计营销

○Creative and Cultural Industries: Events and Experiences Design BA (Hons)

○Creative Writing and Film Cultures BA (Hons)创意写作与电影文化

○Creative Writing BA (Hons)创意写作

○Dance and Drama BA (Hons)

○Dance BA (Hons)

○Drama and Creative Writing BA (Hons)

○Drama and English BA (Hons)

○Drama BA (Hons)

○Fashion BA (Hons)服装设计

○Fashion Promotion and Communications BA (Hons)时尚营销

○Filmmaking BA (Hons)影视制作

○Fine Art BA (Hons)纯艺术

○Fine Art Art History BA (Hons)纯艺与艺术史

○Foundation Diploma in Art, Design Media Practice

○Foundation Year Humanities and Arts

○Graphic Design BA (Hons)平面设计

○Hand Embroidery BA (Hons) single honours手工刺绣

○Historic Building Conservation FdSc and BSc(Hons) top-up历史建筑保护

○Illustration Animation BA (Hons)插画动画

○Interior Design BA (Hons)室内设计

○ Music Technology BA (Hons)音乐技术

○Photography BA (Hons)摄影

○Product Furniture Design BA (Hons)产品与家具设计

金斯顿大学Kingston University

Postgraduate courses 研究生专业

○Aesthetics and Art Theory MA美学与艺术理论

○Animation MA动画

○Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 2) MArch建筑专业

○Art Business MA艺术商科

○Composing for Film and Television MMus影视作曲

○Creative Writing and Publishing MA

○Creative Writing Distance Learning MA

○Creative Writing MA

○Creative Writing MFA

○Curating Contemporary Design MA (in partnership with the Design Museum)策展当代设计

○Fashion MA服装设计

○Film Studies MA电影研究

○Filmmaking MA影视制作

○Fine Art MFA纯艺术

○Graduate Diploma Creative Practice

○Graphic Design MA凭什么就

○Historic Building Conservation MSc历史建筑保护

○Illustration MA插画

○Interior Design MA室内设计

○Landscape Architecture MLA (LI accredited)景观设计

○Landscape and Urbanism MA

○Museum and Gallery Studies MA博物馆和画廊研究

○Music Education MA音乐教育

○Music MA音乐专业

○Music Performance MMus音乐表演

○Photography MA摄影

○Product Furniture Design MA产品与家具设计

○Professional Practice Architecture (ARB/RIBA Part 3 exemption) PgDip建筑专业实践

○Project Management for Creative Practitioners MSc创意从业者项目管理

○Publishing MA出版

○Sustainable Design MA可持续设计

○Sustainable Fashion: Business and Practices可持续时尚:商业与实践

Faculty of Engineering, Computing and the Environment


金斯顿大学Kingston University



金斯顿大学Kingston University

Undergraduate courses 本科专业

○Computer Games Programming BSc (Hons)计算机游戏编程

○Digital Media Technology BSc (Hons)数字媒体技术

金斯顿大学Kingston University

Postgraduate courses 研究生专业

○Advanced Product Design Engineering Manufacturing MSc高级产品设计工程与制造

○Computer Animation MA计算机动画

○Game Development (Design) MA游戏开发(设计)

○Game Development (Programming) MSc游戏开发(编程)

○User Experience Design MSc用户体验设计

金斯顿大学各学院除了开设有本科、研究生专业以外,还开设有一些列 短期课程(Short courses)、预科课程(Foundationcourses)、研究课程(Researchcourses)用来满足不同学习阶段、不同申请背景的学生。

金斯顿大学Kingston University



