戏剧留学 | 纽约大学Tisch艺术学院戏剧表演专业解析

留学在线   2023-01-05 17:04:06

纽约大学帝势艺术学院(Tisch School of the Arts,New York University)成立于1965年,设有电影、电视、舞蹈、设计、音乐等科系,先后产生过19名奥斯卡金像奖得主,它是世界电影教育 重要的基地之一。 纽约大学帝势艺术学院是培养 多奥斯卡奖得主的院校、全美三大 电影学院(纽约大学帝势艺术学院、南加州大学电影艺术学院、加州大学洛杉矶分校电影学院 )之一。 帝势艺术学院的教学理念是鼓励学生自己去导演电影、制作电影。课程以设计、表演研究、影视、戏剧写作、演戏为主,学制阶段包括从本科到博士。
纽约大学帝势艺术学院的电影风格是将好莱坞商业电影与欧洲艺术电影融合在一起。我们熟悉的曾获过奥斯卡 导演奖的华人导演李安、好莱坞导演之父马丁·斯科西斯、《哈利·波特》导演克里斯·哥伦布、奥斯卡 原创剧本奖和 导演奖的获得者全能型导演伍迪·艾伦等著名导演都曾在这所学校一步步积累自己的电影资本。今天小编给大家介绍一下这个学院的戏剧表演专业,希望对大家有所帮助。
网址:Dramahttp://tisch.nyu.edu/drama 主要开设导演,表演,音乐剧,舞台制作方向,戏剧表演就属于Acting专业。
Two contrasting monologues - both contemporary
We define “contemporary” as anything written from around 1900 to now
Each monologue must be under two minutes in length
All monologues must be from published plays (no film/TV scripts; no original material)
Please choose material that is within your age range (roles you would be cast in now)
Props and costumes are not permitted
We want to hear your natural voice. Please do not add an accent to your monologues
You will have an opportunity to converse with your evaluator immediately after presenting your monologues. This is a chance for us to get to know you a little bit. We've watched your work as an artist and now we want to learn about you as a person.
2、表演学 Performance Studies
To apply to the Department of Performance Studies, applicants must complete both the New York University common application online, and submit a statement of purpose ("Portfolio") via SlideRoom, which is accessible through the Common
For the Portfolio, please submit a 750-1000 word statement that addresses your interest in performance studies, why you think you are a good fit for this department, and what you hope to gain from the experience of studying with us. What do you hope to study and write about in the field of Performance Studies? Why are you applying to this program and not a more traditional program such as anthropology, dance, or theatre?
Admission is based on previous academic achievement and evidence of strong skills in writing and cultural analysis.
如果本科专业选择就读纽约大学,申请的时候必须先达到纽约大学的入学要求,然后达到表演专业要求,才能够被录取。值得注意的是时间,学院 早从10月1号开始给答复了, 晚也是12月1号,如果您想要申请明年入学的话,现在就要开始准备了。


