
留学在线   2021-03-12 17:52:25


1、英才学校School for the Talented and Gifted

2、斯科茨代尔基础中学BASIS Scottsdale

3、格威内特数学科学技术高中Gwinnett School of Mathematics, Science and Technology

4、托马斯杰斐逊克科学与技术高中Thomas Jferson High School for Science and Technology

5、北图森基础中学BASIS Tucson North

6、松视中学Pine View School

7、金士顿大学附属高中University High School

8、科学和工程学校School of Science and Engineering Magnet

9、国际学院International Academy

10、牛津中学Oxford Academy

11、生物技术高中Biotechnology High School

12、斯坦顿大学预科高中Stanton College Preparatory School

13、美国国际社区学校International Community School

14、缅因数理高中Maine School of Science & Mathematics

15、航空航天和工程学院Academy of Aerospace and Engineering

16、美国洛夫莱斯学术公立高中Academic Magnet High School

17、国际学校International School

18、美国洛夫莱斯学术公立高中Loveless Academic Magnet Program High School

19、建筑设计高中Design & Architecture Senior High

20、新泽西州高科技高中High Technology High School

21、西格内彻中学Signature School

22、美国洛杉矶惠特尼高中Whitney High School

23、卡内基万 佳德中学Carnegie Vanguard High School

24、国际研究特许高中International Studies Charter High School

25、太平洋中学Pacific Collegiate School

26、比弗顿国际学校International School of Beaverton

27、吉尔伯特古典学院附中Gilbert Classical Academy High School

28、中北地区YES预科学校YES Prep North Central

29、大学高中University High School

30、尔学院与大学预科学校IDEA Academy and College Preparatory School

31、康涅狄格国际文凭学院Connecticut International Baccalaureate Academy

32、雷曼学院附属美国研究高中The High School of American Studies at Lehman College

33、迈克尔·e·DeBakey卫生职业高中Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions

34、Bronx理科中学The Bronx High School of Science

35、布碌仑拉丁学校Brooklyn Latin School

36、美国诺斯赛德大学预科高中Northside College Preparatory High School

37、自由艺术和科学学院Liberal Arts and Science Academy

38、南得克萨斯科学学院The Science Academy of South Texas

39、美国双语言和亚洲研究高中High School for Dual Language and Asian Studies

40、汤森德哈里斯中学Townsend Harris High School

41、KIPP圣荷西学院KIPP San Jose Collegiate

42、普鲁斯学校The Preuss School

43、斯塔滕岛技术高中Staten Island Technical High School

44、美洲印第安人公立高中American Indian Public High School

45、州长艺术与人文学校Governor's School for Arts and Humanities

46、亚历山大德雷夫斯艺术高中Alexander W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts

47、科达伦特许学院Coeur D'Alene Charter Academy

48、埃奇伍德中学Edgewood Junior-Senior High School

49、沃尔特佩顿大学预备高中Walter Payton College Preparatory High School

50、美国洛厄尔高中Lowell High School



